Audio Detailing - Sprint 1

Author: Tyler Sessler

Deciding where to place music functionality was a simple yet tricky task. Music plays through any point of the game- menus, loading screens, boss battles, and must be able to change on the fly. Because of this, music should be capable of persisting or changing despite levels changes and character deaths. Secondly, the music should be able to loop correctly if decided.

I ended up placing the music inside of the game mode, as well as the options such as volume level and looping variables. To fix music starting before the game was loaded, I created a function call inside of Beginplay(), which made the actually logic wait until things were properly loaded. I then created a timer set to the duration of the audio file provided which then plays the music until told not to. All of this allows a seamless experience for the user in which audio experiences no interruptions. Furthermore, once we get an options menu UI implemented, volume sliders will be a possible feature.

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